Generally speaking, Druids armor is the way to go. Ranger's have elemental resistance built in already, so adding a few more points of armor isn't gonna be as big an advantage as using Druid's for the extra energy (unless of course you're using Greater Conflageration...but that's another thread entirely). As for mask's, I have one of each and each with a superior rune for that particular attribute (...ie Hunters mask w/ Superior expertise) so I can switch them out as my build requires. I use a Major Vigor Rune (don't believe in buying sup vigor rune for a PvE character) and then a minor of Marks, Expertise, and Wilderness survival (most used attributes for me).
As for weapons...again that depends on build. I carry a Composite bow, and a short bow. If I'm running a damage build, I use a short bow, and if I'm running an interrupt build I use a composite bow (there's another thread on this in this forum...look under the "need a build for flatbow" thread.)
At this point, I would put most of my points into Marksmanship, but that's just me. Barrage builds are very handy for most of the higher level missions. But so are interrupters. Both of which are based in marks.